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Language Beyond the Spectrum
Help us learn how children with autism tell stories and its importance to future language, literacy, and math skills!
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Alien Greenhouse: Which lights make the flowers bloom?
In this study, you and your child will see six stories involving lights that make Alien flowers bloom.
Catch The Ball
In this study, your child will see a ball falling through some obstacles and will try to make sure the ball lands on a cushion. When the ball lands on a cushion, something cool happens!
Paths to Happiness Study
Children will listen to stories featuring characters with different ideas on happiness and share their own thoughts and preferences. We aim to explore children's understanding of the relationship between ideas about happiness and behavior, as well as their evaluation of these ideas.
Whose Cookies?
In this study, your child will play a guessing game with some friends, helping them figure out which plate has just the right amount of cookies.
Teaching and Perspective-Taking
In a scheduled video call with a researcher, your child will (i) answer some questions about what people can see and (ii) show pictures or books to you and to the researcher. We will learn about how children think about others’ perspectives while communicating.
Journey to the GARDEN Library 3 (Finale!)
You've found the last two map pieces! Journey with Fen and find the GARDEN Library. This is the last of three "Travel Montage" videos that show your child their progress in completing the first eight GARDEN studies and the conclusion to the story!
Alien Greenhouse: Which Lights are Best?
In this study, you and your child will see six stories involving special lights that make flowers bloom.
Guess the Pattern on your tablet!
Your child will do a touchscreen task on your tablet, while you use a laptop/desktop to record them on Children Helping Science. The task on the tablet will involve looking at different patterns and making judgments about them.
Child Memory Study
In this study, you and your child will join two video chats on separate days. In the first, you'll discuss past events with a researcher. In the second, your child will talk to the researcher, allowing us to explore what they recall from events that were discussed in the first session.
Do robots and people have feelings?
In this study, you will join a Zoom call with a researcher! Your child will listen to short stories and answer questions. Together we will learn about how young children attribute feelings to others.
Who knows what?
In this online study, your child will hear brief stories and play an engaging communication game, allowing us to learn more about children’s knowledge of grammar and understanding of others' minds. Some will be invited for a follow-up.
Let's learn some alien words!
During the zoom session with a researcher, your child will be introduced to friendly aliens learning our language. Your child will help them learn new words to describe the way the aliens look. You child will listen, watch short videos, and choose between images!
Para quem o menino está apontando?
Seu filho ou filha verá fotos de personagens de desenhos animados interagindo entre si e aprenderemos sobre a interpretação que as crianças fazem dessas interações.
Accentuating Attitudes on Accent
In this scheduled video chat with a researcher, your baby will look at pictures of talking bears, and we will learn how babies interpret different accents.
Comparing proportions in different shapes and sizes!
In a scheduled video call with one of our researchers, your child will be asked to make judgements about proportions.
Children's Word Learning Strategies
Which strategy is the most effective to learn words in a second language? To help us answer this question, please join us for a scheduled 30-minute Google Meets call where your child will learn basic words in Spanish and play word games.
Marble Game
During a live video call with a researcher, your child will help solve a mystery between two characters about who possesses more marbles!
What is that toy called?
In this Zoom session, you and your child will watch videos of a robot and a human labelling different toys and objects. Next, your child will be shown pictures of a robot and a person and be asked whether something mechanical (gears) or something biological (a heart) belongs inside.
Alien Greenhouse: Pick the Odd One Out!
In this study, you and your child will see six stories involving lights and flowers inside the Alien Greenhouse. Each time, you and your child will listen to the story and choose the odd one out!
Can you hear me?
In this study, your child will watch videos showing a pair of objects, and hear a voice directing their attention to one of them. At the same time, your child will hear another voice in the background. We will learn about children’s ability to pay attention when there are two speakers at once!
Multilingual, Exposure, and Social Groups
In this scheduled Zoom call, your child will be introduced to a series of short stories about a character who learnt how to speak two languages in different ways and answer some questions about what they think about them.
Where will they look?
Do children have expectations about what others will do?
Journey to the GARDEN Library 1
You've found the first 3 map pieces! Journey with Fen and get a little bit closer to finding the GARDEN Library. This is the first of three "Travel Montage" videos that show your child their progress in completing the first eight GARDEN studies.
GARDEN Library Grand Opening 2 (Finale)!
For families who have completed the first eight Project GARDEN studies and are ready to start participating in GARDEN Phase 2. This is a short video introducing the new Phase 2 story with Fen! Fen needs your child's help getting the library ready for visitors!
The Listening Treasure Hunt
Help us understand how knowledge affects perception during childhood: Your child will answer questions about recordings of simple sentences to reveal parts of the pirate's treasure map and get closer to finding the treasure!
Moral Imagination and Kid's Pretend Play
In this asynchronous study, your child will be asked about different games they would like to play, and we will learn about children's moral judgements and imagination through playing pretend.
GARDEN Library Grand Opening 1!
Alien Greenhouse: Pick the lights that make the flowers bloom!
Journey to the GARDEN Library 2
You've found the next 2 map pieces! Journey with Fen and get a little bit closer to finding the GARDEN Library. This is the second of three "Travel Montage" videos that show your child their progress in completing the first eight GARDEN studies.
Bonding: A survey for parents
You will see statements about your child and your relationship with your child. You will rate how much you agree with each statement on a scale from "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree." We will learn how to improve ways of measuring how parents and children bond.
How Multiracial Kids and Parents Process Faces
In this scheduled video call with a researcher, you and your child will play interactive games related to faces. We will learn how experiences between Multiracial children and their parents shape their memory for faces and what they think about them.