Project GARDEN would not be possible without the work of many scientists and collaborators! Meet the team working hard to help families contribute to developmental science.

Leadership Team

Candice Mills

Candice Mills

Candice Mills is the co-director of the Project GARDEN team. Dr. Mills is a full professor of psychology and the director of the Think Lab at the University of Texas at Dallas.

Mark Sheskin

Mark Sheskin

Mark Sheskin is the co-director of the Project GARDEN Team. Dr. Sheskin is an associate professor of psychology at Minerva University.

Melissa Kline Struhl

Melissa Kline Struhl

Melissa Kline Struhl is on the Project GARDEN leadership team bringing her expertise using and maintaining Children Helping Science's technical engine called “Lookit” (the code that enables the studies to work!). Dr. Kline Struhl is the Executive Director of Lookit at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Ian Chandler-Campbell

Ian Chandler-Campbell

Ian Chandler-Campbell is a postdoctoral researcher on the Project GARDEN team working at UT Dallas. Dr. Chandler-Campbell is in charge of developing and supporting the family experience and research infrastructure for Project GARDEN.

Grant Team Members

Elizabeth Bonawitz

Elizabeth Bonawitz

Elizabeth Bonawitz is the David Vitale Associate Professor in Learning Sciences and PI of the Computational Cognitive Development Lab at Harvard University, Graduate School of Education.

Hyowon Gweon

Hyowon Gweon

Hyowon Gweon is an associate professor at Stanford University in the Department of Psychology.

Julian Jara-Ettinger

Julian Jara-Ettinger

Julian Jara-Ettinger is an associate professor on term at Yale University in the Department of Psychology.

Marjorie Rhodes

Marjorie Rhodes

Marjorie Rhodes is a full professor at New York University and the Director of the Conceptual Development and Social Cognition Lab.

Laura Schulz

Laura Schulz

Laura Schulz is a full professor at MIT and the PI of the Early Childhood Cognition Lab.

Research Partners

Nadia Chernyak

Nadia Chernyak

Nadia Chernyak is an assistant professor in the Department of Cognitive Sciences at the University of California, Irvine and directs the Development of Social Cognition Lab.

Jenny Wang

Jenny Wang

Jenny Wang is an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology at Rutgers University and directs the Cognition and Learning Center.

Moira Dillon

Moira Dillon

Moira Dillon is an assistant professor at New York University and director of the Lab for the Developing Mind.

Sabine Doebel

Sabine Doebel

Sabine Doebel is an assistant professor at George Mason University and director of the Developing Minds Lab.

Michael Frank

Michael Frank

Michael Frank is the David and Lucile Packard Professor of Human Biology at Stanford University and director of the Language and Cognition Lab.

Other team members

Elham Doust

Elham Doust

Elham Doust is the animator and lead artist for the GARDEN Storybook featuring Fen the friendly fox! She is a lecturer at UT Dallas in the School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology.

Rosie Aboody

Rosie Aboody

Rosie Aboody is a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Bonawitz's Computational Cognitive Development Lab at Harvard, and Dr. Schulz's Early Childhood Cognition Lab at MIT.

Bria Long

Bria Long

Bria Long is a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University and a member of the Language & Cognition Lab.

Michelle Wong

Michelle Wong

Michelle Wong is a graduate student in Dr. Bonawitz's Computational Cognitive Lab at Harvard University, Graduate School of Education.

Deisy Martinez

Deisy Martinez

Deisy Martinez is a lab manager in Dr. Moira Dillon's Lab for the Developing Mind at New York University.