Can Your Baby Tell Who’s Kind?

Can Your Baby Tell Who’s Kind?

Harvard Lab for Developmental Studies (Thomas) (Harvard University)

Who Can Participate

Babies 1 to 2 years old (12 months to 24 months) in the U.S.

What Happens

This study will take place on a video call, live with a researcher! Clicking on the “Schedule a time to participate” button will send you to an online calendar where you can select a date and time that works for you. Your baby will watch a brief video featuring an animated character observing and interacting with two groups of characters. The animated character will either help a member of each group achieve their goal or not. We are curious to see whether babies can tell who the character will be nice to based on it's previous actions.

What We're Studying

Past studies show that babies can tell the difference between helpful (prosocial) and unhelpful behaviors and tend to like those who are helpful. This study builds on those findings by looking at whether this still applies to larger groups of 4 or more, as earlier studies focused on groups of 3 or fewer. We want to see if babies expect helpful behavior toward groups that have not received help before or if they develop a bias, expecting one group to always get help from others.


10-15 minutes


For your participation, we will send you a $5 gift card. (Only one gift card per participant, child must be visible during the scheduled study session, Gift cards will be sent within 1-3 business days, only children in the US are eligible to participate).

This study is conducted by Dr. Ashley Thomas (contact:

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