Where is my Ball?

Where is my Ball?

SIU Social Cognitive Development Lab (Southern Illinois University)

Who Can Participate

Children ages 3-5 years old

What Happens

This study will take place on a video call, live with a researcher! Clicking on the “Schedule a time to participate” button will send you to an online calendar where you can select a date and time that works for you. During the study, your child will be assigned a social group after which they will listen to a single story accompanied by images on a slide and then asked a series of preference questions. During the study session, you will be asked to remain nearby and ensure that your child stays within the camera frame.

What We're Studying

Previous research has shown that children develop the ability to understand the thoughts and feelings of others around age 4. The purpose of the study is to explore if a child's group membership might influence their ability to understand others' points of view. The results of the study will hopefully add to current research about how belonging to social groups affect children's development.


30 minutes


Once a participant participates in this study via Microsoft Teams, we will email you a $5 (USD) Amazon gift card (redeemable only at Amazon.com). To receive this compensation, the following criteria must be met: (1) You are located in the United States, (2) your child is between the selected ages, (3) your child has not participated in this study before, (4) you provide valid written consent before the scheduled time. Each child is only allowed to participate once and receives only one gift card. If eligibility criteria are met, you will receive this compensation within one week of your participation. You will still receive this compensation even if your child does not finish the entire study. Your child’s performance will not impact whether they receive compensation or not.

This study is conducted by Youjung Choi (contact: youjung.choi1@siu.edu).

Would you like to participate in this study?