Bonding: A survey for parents

Bonding: A survey for parents

Social Cognition Lab (University of Miami)


Grown-ups with a child between 3 to 10 years old


You will be asked to rate statements about your family, including questions about your behaviors, your child's behaviors, and your feelings about your child. For example, you will be asked to rate how much you agree with statements such as, "If my child is upset, they will seek comfort from me" and "I speak to my child in a warm and friendly voice." This survey is for grown-ups, so your child does not have to be present while you complete it.


Bonding refers to the connection between children and their caregivers. It is an important foundation for child and family wellbeing. The goal of this study is to create a better way of measuring relationships. Existing surveys about bonding are commonly used to capture how parents feel about their baby. This study will capture bonding in parents and children of an older age group and a wider range (3 to 10 years). A comprehensive survey about bonding will help us understand different ways that parents and children form bonds and ultimately help us test how healthy bonding supports children's development.


5-15 minutes


You will not receive anything for being in this study.

この研究・調査を実施している研究者/研究グループ Elizabeth Simpson (contact:
