Which object am I talking about?

Which object am I talking about?

Harvard Lab for Developmental Studies (Harvard University)




During the video call your baby will watch videos of a person sitting in front of two toys and labelling what he sees. The person will then express a preference for one of the two toys. We will measure where your baby looks on screen in response.


We’re interested in whether babies look at the toy that the person expresses a preference for, and whether that depends on what type of labelling is used. We also want to know whether babies can use language to revise their prediction on which toy the person will look to. This is part of research we’re doing on how children come to understand others’ actions, which can be important for learning and cooperation.


15 minutes


You will receive a $5 online gift card for your participation. We will compensate you with an Amazon US gift card. To receive this payment, your baby will need to be within our specified age range and your baby will need to be visible throughout the video. You will only receive one gift card per baby. You will receive payment within 2 weeks of participation.

この研究・調査を実施している研究者/研究グループ Elizabeth Spelke (contact: georgios_dougalis@g.harvard.edu).
