Marble Game

Marble Game

Lourenco Lab (Emory University)


For 5- to 6-year-olds located in United States


This study will take place on a video call, live with a researcher! Clicking on the “Participate Now!” button will send you to an online calendar where you can select a date and time that works for you. During the study, your child will complete a short game to help Mike and Kim figure out who has more marbles.


Children can understand and compare quantities without using numbers or symbols. Previous studies have shown that children can compare these quantities using different senses, such as visual and audio inputs. Children can even do number comparisons across modalities, but we don’t know much about how they do this across different senses. We want to know if children use the same mental processes to compare quantities. Our study aims to answer two main questions: How do children compare quantities when using visual and audio inputs? Do children represent quantities abstractly in their minds and brains?


20 - 30 minutes


After your child completes our study, we will email you a $10 Amazon gift card within a week. To be eligible for the gift card, your child must be between the ages of 60 to 84 months and must be visible in the video chat.

この研究・調査を実施している研究者/研究グループ Stella Lourenco (contact:
