Teens and Online Trends

Teens and Online Trends

Marsee Aggression & Delinquency Lab (Iowa State University)


Parents and teens (aged 13-17) who are fluent in English.


We will ask you and your teen to answer questions measuring personality traits, behavior, and emotions that may be associated with online problem behavior. Due to this, we will be asking you and your child about sensitive topics, like participation in illegal activities. You will be asked questions such as "How many times in your life have you sent or posted untrue, cruel, or harmful material (e.g., videos, comments, images, emails) about a person or group of people?".


There are several important variables that are associated with behavior problems, including peer influences and levels of impulsive behavior. We want to understand whether engagement in online problem behavior (e.g., cyberbullying and participation in viral trends) is associated with other types of antisocial behavior, as well as how important it is to children that their peers like, comment on, or otherwise engage with the content that they post online.


40 minutes


Parents who participate will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win 1 of 25 $50 Amazon gift cards, and children who participate will receive a $5 gift card. To be eligible for compensation: (1) your child must be in the age range for this study; (2) your child must be present in the consent video; (3) you and your child must speak English; (4) you must submit a valid statement of consent and assent. Each child is allowed to participate only once in this study. Your child should expect to receive compensation within five days. We will draw winners for the $50 gift card raffle at the end of the study, which we estimate to run for a few months. Participants will only be notified of raffle outcomes if they are selected as a winner.

この研究・調査を実施している研究者/研究グループ Dr. Monica Marsee at Iowa State University (contact: mmarsee@iastate.edu).
