Project GARDEN (The University of Texas at Dallas)
研究・調査への参加資格 |
For children and their caregivers who have finished Studies 1-8 of Project GARDEN. Project GARDEN is not currently recruiting new families. If you’re already in Project GARDEN and you want to see which study your child can do next, visit, click "Start Now", and select your child's name under "Find studies for..." |
研究・調査の流れ |
This is a short video where your child will travel with Fen through the next set of "map piece" locations and actually find the GARDEN Library! Watching this video will finish the Journey to the GARDEN Library with Fen! |
現在の研究・調査 |
This video serves to show your child their progress in completing all the studies. |
期間 |
2 minutes |
謝礼 |
There is no compensation for this video, but watching it will finish the Journey to the GARDEN Library and your child will finally help Fen find the GARDEN Library! |
この研究・調査を実施している研究者/研究グループ Project GARDEN (contact: