Whose Cookies?

Whose Cookies?

Cognition and Learning Center (CALC) (Rutgers University - New Brunswick)


For 2.5- to 3.5-year-olds that reside in the US.


This study will take place on a video call, live with a researcher! Clicking on the “Participate Now!” button will send you to an online calendar where you can select a date and time that works for you.
In this study, your child will play a guessing game with some friends, helping them figure out which plate has just the right amount of cookies without counting, such as which of the plates above has "five cookies".


Understanding large number words like "five" and "ten" is challenging for young children. What kind of cues help them better understand these words? In this study we are specifically asking how the presence of different aspects of counting cues (such as saying "one, two, three" vs. pointing at each object) help children interpret large number words. Findings from this study will help us better understand how children interpret different types of number information from their environment. More generally, this study will contribute to our more general understanding of how children learn numbers and math.


20 minutes


We will provide a $5 USD Amazon gift card for eligible participants. We will send you 1 gift card within 1 week of your first eligible participation. To be eligible for compensation we ask that you 1) provide a valid consent video (we will show you how!), 2) your child must be in the age range specified above, and 3) your child must be present during the recorded videos. Your child does not need to finish the entire study in order to be eligible for compensation.

この研究・調査を実施している研究者/研究グループ Jenny Wang (contact: child.research@psych.rutgers.edu).
