For children who are exposed to more than one language: Can you remember the numbers?

For children who are exposed to more than one language: Can you remember the numbers?

Developing Minds Lab @ GMU (George Mason University)

Who Can Participate

To participate, your child must be between 4 to 6 years of age and understand English (English should be spoken at least 50% of the time, otherwise the child might have difficulty comprehending tasks). **They must also speak or be exposed to at least one other language besides English.** You can only participate in this study once (i.e., only one participation per household/family).

What Happens

First, your child will play a game where they repeat sequences of numbers that they hear. Next, they will play two pointing games where they point to numbers in response to an audio or visual prompt. Last, caregivers will complete a survey about their child's language experience.

What We're Studying

The purpose of this study is to measure children's "working memory" skills. Working memory is the part of the mind that allows us to flexibly use information to carry out various goals. This is widely considered a general ability that develops dramatically in childhood, but there is also reason to believe it can vary depending on the information that is being processed (e.g., numbers versus words or letters). The current project aims to understand how children's early language and learning experiences may contribute to their numeric working memory skills.


20 minutes


$5 USD gift cards (usable on the U.S. website only). You will be emailed your gift card within 7 business days of participating in the study. To receive compensation, 1) your child must be in the age range specified above; and 2) your child must be present during the recorded videos.

Este estudio es realizado por Sabine Doebel (contact:

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