Spirituality and Emotional Well-Being

Spirituality and Emotional Well-Being

Dr. McGrath's Lab (Fairleigh Dickinson University)

Who Can Participate

For 8- to 17-year-olds.

What Happens

In this study, your child will fill out several questionnaires about their life. These questionnaires will include topics such as spirituality, religiosity, and well-being. All questionnaires will be multiple-choice. For most questionnaires, your child will be given a statement and asked how much they agree with it (i.e., "strongly agree" to "very slightly or not at all.").

What We're Studying

The purpose of this study is to better understand childhood spirituality and religiosity. There are many positive outcomes associated with adult spirituality, such as increased subjective well-being and improved mental health. But there has been limited research assessing spirituality in children, and the available research has been limited in terms of age (e.g., there are few studies assessing spirituality in children younger than 13) and cross-cultural comparisons.


20 minutes


If you or your child want to be entered into the raffle for a chance to win one of five $25 Amazon.com gift cards, you/they will be brought to a new survey asking for an email address. If selected as a winner, you and your child will need to participate in a brief Zoom to confirm your identities. The drawing will approximately take place in the Fall of 2024. Winners will be notified via email. If you have not won the raffle, you will not be contacted.

Este estudio es realizado por Alyssa Cangemi (contact: acangemi@student.fdu.edu).

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