Animal or Vehicle?

Animal or Vehicle?

Occidental College Geffen Lab (Occidental College)

Who Can Participate

For 4- to 6-year olds

What Happens

This study will take place on a video call, live with a researcher! Clicking on the “Schedule a time to participate” button will send you to an online calendar where you can select a date and time that works for you. In this study, children will view a series of animal and vehicle pictures that are paired with sounds. These sounds will sometimes match the picture (dog/dog bark), and sometimes they won’t (dog/cat meow). Participants will be asked to identify if either the image or the sound is an animal or vehicle. This study is only available to participants who live in the United States.

What We're Studying

People often rely on multiple perceptual features when recognizing/classifying objects (e.g., a dog can be seen, heard, etc.). The current study examines which perceptual features children are paying attention to when recognizing common objects in their environment. In particular, this study examines how visual and auditory information presented together can influence each other.


20 minutes


Participants will receive a $10 digital Amazon gift card to their email within 1 hour after participating in the study. Gift cards are from, and participants will need to have an Amazon account or create one to use the $10. Gift cards are limited to one per participant and the child must be visible for the duration of the study.

Este estudio es realizado por Susan Geffen (contact:

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