Does Accent Matter?

Does Accent Matter?

Harvard Lab for Developmental Studies (Thomas) (Harvard University)

Who Can Participate

For 13 to 18-month-olds based in the U.S.

What Happens

This study will take place on a video call, live with a researcher! Clicking on the “Schedule a time to participate” button will send you to an online calendar where you can select a date and time that works for you. Your baby will watch a 3-minute video of three characters having a conversation. Then, one of the characters will cry or laugh. We are interested in whether babies think characters with a shared accent are more likely to comfort each other than those with different accents.

What We're Studying

In this study, we want to understand if babies have expectations about people who share an accent. Specifically, we are interested in whether babies anticipate characters with a similar accent to comfort each other. We think that babies will use the accent of each character to make these predictions.


15 minutes


You will receive a $5 gift card to the Amazon US site for completing this study. To receive this payment, your baby will need to be within our specified age range, your baby will need to be visible throughout the video, and you will only be able to receive one gift card per baby. You will receive payment within 1-2 business days.

Este estudio es realizado por Dr. Ashley Thomas (contact:

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