Pain-related Stigma and Stress in Youth with Chronic Pain

Pain-related Stigma and Stress in Youth with Chronic Pain

Pain and Stress Studies (PASS) Lab (Boston Children's Hospital/Harvard Medical School)

Who Can Participate

Youth between the ages of 9-17 with a history of chronic pain (pain lasting for 3+ months) and
their parents

What Happens

Your child will be asked to answer some brief questionnaires about how they think about pain, their engagement in various activities, their mood/worries, and their day-to-day functioning.

What We're Studying

This study seeks to (1) evaluate the potential association between pain-related stigma and psychological stress in youth with chronic pain and (2) examine how these constructs may relate to overall psychosocial (e.g., symptoms of anxiety, depression) and pain-related (e.g., pain intensity, functional disability) functioning and treatment engagement in these youth.


20 minutes


No compensation is provided.

Este estudio es realizado por Dr. Sarah Nelson (contact:

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